Nitish Kumar's Article in Reference and Education

279 The Impact Of Peers On The Development Process Of Children
There was once a jar of clean, fresh water. Every drop of water inside the jar was pure, untouched by any of the pollution outside. The water drops inside the bottle felt immensely proud of being clean and pure.
Posted on Feb-07-2012

267 Parents Encouraging The Habit Of Reading In Children
Mrs. Bhargav watched her son read out the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. She was listening very carefully to his pronunciation of words and though she wanted to rush to her son when he fumbled with the words.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

315 Developing Sportsmanship In Children
Supreeti was in tears by the time the table tennis ended. It wasn't because her team had lost. Neither was it because she was unsatisfied with the way she had played the tournament.
Posted on Feb-06-2012

295 Some Facts About Children And Television
Till today, television is considered to be the most effective mass medium that can reach a large number of masses throughout the world.
Posted on Feb-04-2012

243 The Importance Of Umbrellas For School Going Kids
The rainy season is liked by many for its smell when it cools the earth of all its summer heat, whereas for others it is boring because people do not feel like going anywhere during the rainy days.
Posted on Feb-03-2012

249 School Life And Development In Childhood
The philosophy of the school room in one generation contributes to the philosophy of the next generation”. In a materialistic way, school can be defined as an institution designed for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers.
Posted on Feb-01-2012

364 Life In An Orphanage: Some Grim Facts
After enjoying my holiday last Saturday, I went back home around 5.30 in the evening. The Saturday morning was good as I enjoyed the time with my friends and had a delicious lunch in one of the best food places of the city.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

299 Kids And Reality Shows: The Real Picture
The little boy was eagerly waiting for the feedback of the judges. There was a bright ray of hope in his face as he was expecting a good feedback from the side of the judges.
Posted on Jan-31-2012

273 After School Activities For Kids Suffering From ADHD
ADHS or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most disorders that kids face. There are various stages of this disorder, and if care is not taken properly in the childhood, it may continue up to adolescent or even to adulthood.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

332 How to develop your Child’s interest in Hobbies
A hobby has been defined as an interest apart from academics that a child pursues out of passion, which fetches the child friends with similar interests later on. Infact, a hobby can actually turn into a lifetime profession for some.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

266 How English Medium Education Is Beneficial For Kids
The craze of English is not only in the third world countries but is in the first world countries as well. English being the international and one of the official languages of India has become a necessity for every person to achieve the peak of any organization.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

258 Don’t Harm Your Child’s Future With Too Much Of Love
Most of the parents face a difficulty in making a difference between being affectionate to their kids enough and loving them more than it is required.
Posted on Jan-27-2012

285 How Much Effective Mass Media Is For Kids
Social media has become almost an inescapable aspect of life particularly for the children. It is one of the most familiar activities amongst kids, the adolescent or the teenagers.
Posted on Jan-24-2012

227 Teachers Enhance The Academic Success Of Students
Teachers play a vital role in imparting the knowledge and skills just to make sure the students are successful. A parent’s contribution is also required just to analyze what a child is learning in school.
Posted on Jan-23-2012

237 Encouraging Kids To Study Is No More A Difficult Task
Encouragement becomes the key word when it comes to boost somebody’s confidence level and make the person competent to accomplish any task. The growing need of kids is the most difficult job to fulfiil every time from the side of their parents.
Posted on Jan-20-2012

236 Why Travelling Is Good For Kids
People travel not just to explore places but they also take it as adventures. Many people are seen to limit their travelling ideas once they get busy with their kid’s education or have their newborns.
Posted on Jan-19-2012

214 Nursery Education: A Must Need For Every Child
Education is the basic need for every person’s life, whether the person is rich or poor. In India, both government and private sectors work to provide education to the students.
Posted on Jan-18-2012

284 Different Barriers To Education
After more them sixty years of independence, the Government of India passed a bill which mentions free and compulsory education for all the children between the age group of six and fourteen.
Posted on Jan-17-2012

242 Learning Table Manners Are Important For Kids
The munching sound while eating, putting the left out particles around the plate and making sounds with the spoons are some of the uncivilized acts that many people do when sit for having their meal.
Posted on Jan-16-2012

229 Time Management: The Art Of Leading A Worthy Life
One day a professor stood before his class holding a large empty jar and some pieces of rocks, which were of about 2” diameter. The professor filled the jar up to the neck with the rocks and then asked the students.
Posted on Jan-13-2012

200 Reading: A Habit That Expands The Sphere Of Knowledge
I was never a bookworm unless I met Mrs. Jolly in my eleventh standard. Mrs. Jolly was our literature teacher who used to teach English. She was a bulky middle aged woman carrying a smile in her face.
Posted on Jan-12-2012

221 Effects Of Advertisements On Children
Parents are found to get over impulsive when they find their kids watching advertisements on Television. They consider advertisements to be one of the main reasons for their children getting spoiled.
Posted on Jan-10-2012

223 The Benefits Of Watching Television For Kids
We have grown up with the notion that Television spoils kids. Many of us in our childhood must have been restricted to watch TV. Since, kids show a great inclination towards TV.
Posted on Jan-09-2012

204 The Importance Of Kids Being Nurtured In The Initial Stages
One day a traveler was walking in a desert where he found a lamp. It was a magic lamp, though it looked like an ordinary lamp. Having recalled the old stories about the popular folk lore about lamp.
Posted on Jan-09-2012

226 How To Raise Children With A Positive Attitude
Some children when look up at the sky, they can only see the clouds instead of the sun. This is mainly due to the negative attitude which they carry.
Posted on Jan-07-2012